Spooky Pumpkins Now Available! 🎃👻
Nikki Love's Magick

Spell Jars


Your desired spell in a bottle that's sealed, prayed over & made with love and Magick.
Spell Jars are kind of like candles minus the burning and you can take these with you everywhere you go! Put a Money Spell jar in your work space to bring in more sales and money or put a Protection one by your bedside to protect you from anything negative!
Green - Increase the Money Flow within your life
Purple - Is there something specific you wanna manifest? This jar is perfect to put your OWN unique intention into!
Pink- Bring more confidence and self love within yourself
Red - Create a stronger bond with your partner, a stronger dynamic in your relationship
Blue - Strengthen your intuition and open up your third eye
Black - Bring more protection into your home or for yourself. Repels negative energies!

*Please select $5 shipping!